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Volunteer Planting Day at the Boston Nature Center Food Forest

  • Boston Nature Center 500 Walk Hill Street Boston, MA, 02124 United States (map)

The stewards of the Boston Nature Center Food Forest invite any and all community members to join in on this exciting fall work day! The intention for the day is threefold — weeding existing polycultures; planting new polycultures into the food forest space; and tending to soil health through several methods.

Not only will the projects for the day be super hands-on and engaging, but there will also be tons to learn along the way about permaculture, soil health, fall planting, and more.

To participate, just arrive on Sunday ready to join in! Come and go as you please. Any questions can be directed to Jon, BNC steward, at

October 9

Egleston Community Orchard Work Day

October 17

Herbalism Workshop at Old West Church Community Food Forest